Looking to feel more “alive” while you hunker down at home?  Nothing freshens the the air like real-live house plants. Nurture them, admire them, and watch them grow!

Why take the effort to get and grow plants in your home? After all, you probably have enough household chores to ignore, right?  Turns out, there are many advantages to keeping house plants…

  • House plants actually scrub the air in your home by absorbing toxins, increasing humidity to a comfortable level, and producing oxygen (remember your high school biology?).
  • Plants are often attractive to look at – they’re cool – who doesn’t think a cactus is cool, right?
  • Indoor plants can boost your mood, your concentration, your productivity – even make you more creative! (that is, unless you’re really not creative)
  • And not only will they boost your mood, they’re cheaper than a seeing a shrink! (on a Tele-Visit, that is).

So what kind of plant should you acquire? We couldn’t cover every variety, but here are five very popular house plants that may excite you.

Friendly Ficus!

Let’s start it off with a classic. The ficus is the quintessential house plant in many ways. Looking like a miniature tree, the ficus’s base is a single stem, with a luscious canopy overhead. They do well in bigger rooms, but given their vertical (not horizontal) growth, they should acclimate well to nearly any space. Just know, they typically don’t survive in chilly temperatures. So keep them warm, just like an unhatched egg – or something.

Care for your ficus with tips from this article in SFGate

Absolutely Aloe!

Popular for all kinds of reasons, aloe plants are also incredibly satisfying. Easy to grow, this succulent gem remains fairly small throughout its life, so it fits nearly anywhere.

The plant obviously produces aloe, which can be applied to cuts and burns. One thing aloe owners must make sure is that the plant has access to indirect sunlight – too much sun can render them dry and turn the plant yellow. The aloe is particularly delicate, so tell the kids to be gentle. Otherwise, enjoy this miraculous plant!

How to care for an aloe plant:  Almanac.com

Pretty Philodendron Pink Princess!

The Pink Princess is certainly not a common (or cheap) plant, but is growing in popularity. Clearly earning its name, this type of philodendron stands out with vibrant multi-colored pink and green leaves that drape over the rest of the plant.

It is vine-like, slow-growing and requires a steady amount of water. Each leaf has its own unique pattern, making this an eye-catching attraction for any home. Beware that prices for a really interesting one can be in the hundreds of dollars.  Also know that spoofers out there are treating the look-alike plant, Pink Congo, with chemicals that turn the leaves pink temporarily but then transition back to green within a few days of receiving it in the mail.

Be that as it may, if you’re looking for a fascinating species that’s a challenge to grow, purchase the Pink Princess from a reputable dealer.

Read this really cool article about the Pink Princess in Wired

Catchy Cactus!

Nothing in the common house plant spectrum looks quite as interesting as a cactus. With over 2,000 different kinds found around the world, this spiky plant group has created a reputation as one of the best adapters to Earth’s changing environment. Cactus care is typically manageable for even the most novice of plant owners.

While there are plenty of tall cacti, such as the famed saguaro, their long lifespans ensure slow growth. Stouter home-friendly options are always in demand, so it shouldn’t be hard to pick out the cactus that fits your home perfectly. For plant owners who don’t want to invest too much time in watering and care, the cactus could make for a smart and entertaining (if you like living things that don’t move) investment.

Care for your cacti with advice from GardenHealth.com

Spectacular Spider Plant!

Like the ficus, spider plants are a staple. Considered to be highly adaptable, the plant has earned a reputation as easy to grow and low maintenance.

Justly named for its long, pointy leaves, similar to the legs of a spider (if you’re not good at counting), the spider plant is a nice addition to any room. To enhance its presentation, it is common to grow them in hanging baskets, creating an eye-catching decor piece.

Preferring cooler temperatures (55-65° F), those in warm environments may want to look in a different direction for the hot summer months. Even then, the spider plant is able to survive in a multitude of conditions, making it a favorite for first-time gardeners.

Spider plant care can be found at bloomscape

Plant Yourself!

While not comprehensive, this list showcased plants that are both delicate and durable. Be sure to research what works best within your space, and try to be honest when it comes to how much care you’re willing to give to your precious plant.

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